Each year, Google makes an update to their Google Shopping Product Data Specification. They have recently announced an update, which you can read here. We thought we would explain it and what it means to you […]
Each year, Google makes an update to their Google Shopping Product Data Specification. They have recently announced an update, which you can read here. We thought we would explain it and what it means to you in terms of each of the sections they refer to: Minimum order value, shipping-related attributes and handling time.
Minimum Order Value
Google previously restricted showing any product from a product feed (the product information you send to Google in this case), that was priced lower than a site’s Minimum Order Value. This has now been lifted, so you can now list more products - which of course means greater visibility, more traffic and more sales for you.
Shipping Attributes
Google is imposing maximum caps on Delivery Cost and Weight, mainly to rule out erroneous entries. Price values are capped at £1,000. This affects very few people and for Intelligent Reach customers, it is fixed by our rules engine or product viewer.
Handling Time
This affects the USA and allows the display of an estimated delivery date in an ad. It indicates the minimum and maximum time between the order being placed and shipped, to accumulate an estimated time for delivery.
Note that these all come into effect on 27th June 2017. “Beginning June 26th, 2017, all of the updates will go into full effect and any product data that doesn't meet the requirements in the Products Feed Specification will be disapproved.”