Henry Linney,
A list can be been imported to, or manually created in, the platform. Once it's in place, it’s easy to select it from a dropdown menu and start applying rules, to include and exclude products, to modify attributes and optimise feeds in a dynamic way.
Use single lists to identify products for specific actions. Use look-up lists to search and replace attributes. Lists make it straightforward to normalise attributes such as colour and size, and to localise product names by country.
Lists can be pulled from a dynamic source, making your feeds dynamic too. Lists of on-sale items, special offers, seasonal offers and exclusions can all be managed remotely and mirrored, every day, in your feed updates.
List Manager allows you to create and upload lists and use them to modify the behaviour of your feeds in specific circumstances. For example, it can be used to add seasonal variations to product names, standardise on colours and include a specific list of products in promotions.
Add or create a list by uploading a file, having the platform automatically pull data from a sheet, or by typing values directly into the List Manager user interface. There are two main types of list: single lists contain a single column of values, and look-up lists contain two columns of values.