Sarounia Mitchell-Rowe
Import Google Shopping Performance data from the Google Ads platform (via API). Quickly see important metrics such as ROAS, AOV and more.
Easily label and list products according to their results. Create best-sellers from underperformers by manipulating your data to enhance performance.
Visualise your experiments and changes without ever leaving the platform. All aspects of your ecommerce history and current performance at your fingertips.
Data Performance brings together all your ecommerce data into the IR platform, allowing you to make changes however you see fit. Easily bring together all underperforming products, make product listing alterations at scale and optimise based on customer behaviours.
Data Performance brings together a host of innovative features including Data Connector, Content Experimentation, Custom Dynamic Labels and List Manager to enhance your data quality and improve your ecommerce performance at the touch of a button. Easy, effortless and effective.