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PLA's are much more than just Google

Product Level Advertising is the future for online retailers...Your success will be dependent on running efficient, product level campaigns across multiple channels (not just Google) and in multiple territories. Give your consumers what they want, […]

About PLA's

Google was the first to launch Product Listing Ads, including images, descriptions, promotional messages and price to their CPC offering - over 1 billion products are currently listed on Google, to count them all would take you over 30 years!

Other Channels including eBay, Facebook, Criteo, Shopping Engines, Marketplaces and many, many more, have since realised the opportunity rich content, Product Level Adverts provide; both to retailers and consumers alike.

PLA Advantages for Retailers:

  • Highly targeted product specific, rich content ads.
  • Click-thru rates on average 22% greater than traditional text link ads.
  • Better quality traffic direct to product pages.
  • Greater site conversion.
  • Match bid with actual product price

PLA Advantage for Consumers:

  • Find the products they are looking for quickly and easily.
  • More engaged with your brand.

Retailers must change their approach to meet the demands of a more sophisticated consumer. As a retailer, there is no reason not to list every single product in your catalogue..especially when the Intelligent Reach platform gives you the ability to monitor and optimise performance, at a product level, to ensure maximum product level performance.

All we need to get started is a single product feed, we will optimise its contents then you have over 600 online channels, Internationally available through our platform.  All of your online performance will be managed at a product level, not just your PLA's

Want to Learn More?

Discover the true power of the IR platform - book your demo today
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The Award-Winning PLatform, Loved by OUR Customers...

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