Home Success Stories Lenovo
Home Success Stories Lenovo
Lenovo struggled to get control over multiple feeds with their previous provider, which made it even harder to improve their performance across the board. After integrating with the Intelligent Reach platform, our high-quality feed provision, expert guidance, and proprietary platform helped Lenovo see an immediate uplift in Google Shopping.
Lenovo struggled to manage multiple feeds and improve performances on multiple Shopping Search partners including eBay Commerce Network, GetPrice, and Google Shopping.
Our platform increased AOV (Average Order Value) by an overage of 20% MoM. Nine months after starting the partnership, their AOV is 61% higher than the first month.
Revenue Per Click has risen by an average of 20% MoM. Nine months after starting the partnership, Revenue Per Click stood at over 155% that of the first month.
Lenovo have experienced 5X as many Visits from Shopping Search and accrued 3X as much Revenue from this channel YoY, compared to their previous feed and account management provider.
Compared to their previous provider, they saw 5x as many visits from Shopping Search and accrued 3x as much revenue from Google Shopping.
Christopher Jowsey,